July 24, 2009

30 Eventful things that happened to me in Ottawa

1. Sang Oh Canada! in the rain on Parliament hill.
2. Used the Private washroom made for the Queen.
3. Rubbed the left shoe of the Lester B. Pearson statue.
4. Ate Beaver Tails.
5. Sat in the lap of the Lester B. Pearson statue.
6. Stalked a tour bus for a block.
7. Watched crazed KISS fans load onto a bus to go to the Blues festival after singing really loud and poor KISS karaoke. (Since when is KISS blues?)
8. Looked out of the top of the Peace Tower.
9. Stood under a really big plane called a Lancaster.
10. Met people who lived close to us.
11. Laughed at cheesy jokes told by tour guides.
12. Drove 15 km to get pizza in Quebec, then drove all the way back to Ottawa, just to sit in a park and eat it.
13. Watch guys in red coats and funny black hats march in circles to bagpipes during the changing of the guard ceremony.
14. Constantly climbed upward. Everywhere.
15. Watched a Mountie get mobbed by tourists while one of the tourists was screaming, "OH MY GOD! IT'S A MOUNTIE!"
16. Sleeping in 8 degrees Celsius weather in July in a tent.
17. Having a raccoon try to raid our dining tent while we were still in it.
18. Walked in a pedestrian mall and almost getting clipped by a bike.
19. Going through a massive security check at the Parliament buildings.
20. Throwing a penny into the eternal flame and getting it right in the fire so it exploded.
21. Saw a famous piece of art that nothing more than a really big canvas painted black.
22. Had our tour guide constantly express his dislike for the work of Emily Carr.
23. Our GPS being unable to say Boulevard without choking on it.
24. Had a little kid speak to me in French and completely and utterly believing I could speak french back, and me, trying to reply even though I have no idea what she was saying.
25. Reading the last chapter of The Restaurant At the End of the Universe around the campfire and the Quebeckers giving us funny looks.
26. Singing Gordon Lightfoot songs on Parliament hill under the bleachers on the lawn.
27. Hearing a loud THUNK in the middle of the night and pondering if it was a raccoon falling out of a tree.
28. Buying a shirt with Mounties on it.
29. Walking all around the eternal flame monument twice before finding the Ontario side.
30. Being able to say I've visited every part of Ontario except the North, and being able to say I've been to Quebec.