Hey all.
So things/dates/times are rushing up fast and I need to know a few ASAP things from you guys.
Halloween for Hunger
The first is something I haven't even told you about yet, but still need to know ASAP if you want to come. After the FAITH conference, Alex mentioned wanting to do the Halloween for Hunger campaign, and I was like TOTALLY!!!!
So what Halloween for Hunger is is where, when you go out trick or treating, you collect cans instead of candy, and then donate the cans to a local food bank. Because we didn't plan this exremely in advance, we might not get cans from everyone, but that's ok. Oh and there's still the chance you might still get candy yourself. ;)
Now that that's clear, I would like to know who wants to come with us. The more hands we have, the easier it will be. Currently we have me, Jenn, Alex, and possibly Kayla and Jacquie (you don't know these people... well, Jenn does... don't worry! They're Guiding peoples so they're nice. XD) So... do you want to come help?
We haven't decided who's house/neighbourhood we're going to nail yet, but I think it's between my house and Jenn's... possibly Alex's (but she's close to Jenn). OH! and we're going to need a wagon or something to carry/pull the food. Personally, I think we should do my neighbourhood because I have lots of Old peoples near me and they are more inclined to give us food. haha.
JENN AND/OR ALEX: We need to decide who's house we're starting at and when, Kayla needs to know soon so she can tell Jacquie.
So the other thing I need to know ASAP is who wants to do NaNoWriMo with me? I've decided that I'm going to sign up, even if I don't make the 50, 000 words. I plan on signing up either tomorrow or Wednesday after school. I know Jenn and Karlene said they'd do it with me... Anyone else want in? The reason I ask ASAP is because we need to sign up before Friday.
I think that's all I needed to know for now... I'll post something else if I remember... Check up regularly, especially those of you I don't see daily. BE IN THE KNOW! XD Like I have much facinating to say most days. But still, things like this may show up!
Read on write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Amanda Out.
October 26, 2009
October 25, 2009
I'm sorry... just too good...
October 23, 2009
October 22, 2009
Hey all.
So today's been pretty crazy (*cough* two fire alarms *cough*) and rather inspirational (*cough* I got a picture with Craig whilst we were running for our lives from fire *cough*). But now I'm onto yet another thing (*cough* boring awards night *cough*) and when I get back I have to finish all my homework that I missed over the last two days. Should be fun, eh?
Naw, so this is just an update to tell y'all how awesome my day was, and I'll post some thing about the Japanese people, and about the FAITH "conference" thingy if I get a chance after my homework. I've got some awesome ideas I think you guys would like to get in on. And then there's Toria's idea which she needs some people for, and the big one I want to talk about is Alex's idea cause we'd have to plan quick since it has to do with Halloween.
Plus I'll post pictures of the t-shirt and the hoodie I want now. :P
Anyways all for now ladies and gentlemen. Or should I really just say Kyle... XD
OH! that reminds me... I'm starting on the side of this a tab called "Epic Fail of the Day" and I will post the name of whoever I saw that day that failed epically. As you probably guessed, Kyle's name is going there today. haha.
But really going now!
Read on write on!
Amanda Out.
So today's been pretty crazy (*cough* two fire alarms *cough*) and rather inspirational (*cough* I got a picture with Craig whilst we were running for our lives from fire *cough*). But now I'm onto yet another thing (*cough* boring awards night *cough*) and when I get back I have to finish all my homework that I missed over the last two days. Should be fun, eh?
Naw, so this is just an update to tell y'all how awesome my day was, and I'll post some thing about the Japanese people, and about the FAITH "conference" thingy if I get a chance after my homework. I've got some awesome ideas I think you guys would like to get in on. And then there's Toria's idea which she needs some people for, and the big one I want to talk about is Alex's idea cause we'd have to plan quick since it has to do with Halloween.
Plus I'll post pictures of the t-shirt and the hoodie I want now. :P
Anyways all for now ladies and gentlemen. Or should I really just say Kyle... XD
OH! that reminds me... I'm starting on the side of this a tab called "Epic Fail of the Day" and I will post the name of whoever I saw that day that failed epically. As you probably guessed, Kyle's name is going there today. haha.
But really going now!
Read on write on!
Amanda Out.
October 20, 2009
Am I getting myself into too much?
Hey all.
So I have no idea if anyone has even checked up on this lately, and if you have, PLEASE comment below... Pretty please? For the love of grilled cheese?
Anyways it doesn't really matter right now because I'm going to post anyways. It beats trying to study for Othello.

SO! This is what I wanted to ask y'all about. NaNoWriMo (click the link, 'tis why I liked it) is coming up in November. Which ironically enough is national writing month. *cough* why they call it NaNoWriMo *cough*
Anyways, I've heard a lot about it, but I've never actually been a part of it. It's my kind of contest too... write crappy writing, just for the sake of writing. That's it. Oh... and you have to write 50, 000 words with an at least extrememly vague plot by the end of November.
*cricket chirps* *some H1N1 inflicted coughing fits*
So what I want to know is... Am I crazy? Have you people seen my schedule? I'm already behind in Chemistry homework, and I'm actually thanking the two days I have off (well sort of) so that I can catch up on two day's homework. And then the two days homework after the two days off. Not to mention feeling like shit and just wanting to sleep for a week I don't have...
It'll be like 3 weeks before I can even think about taking a sick day.
Where in the hell would I find time to sit and write approximately 1667 words each day? The idea is to spend all your time writing, but that's time I don't have. Yet my internal being feels the urge to sign up and do the stupid thing even though... um... I can't.
Oh and so y'all get a picture of how much 1667 words is... my last Dream Catcher chapter was 1516 words. That's 4 pages. And according to Microsoft Word, it took me 4524 minutes to write just chapter 11. That's 75 hours. That's just over 3 12-hour days of writing.
I think I'm crazy just for considering it. Mind I'm starting to wonder where Microsoft got that number from, cause I only remember taking two nights on DC-11... Maybe it's cause I left the file running...
So yes, that's what I'm thinking. I need someone to convince me to do it. Or not to do it. Oh! and I'll be more inclined to sign up and not sleep if someone is willing to sign up and not sleep with me.
But alas, I should be making a marginal attempt to consider that which is Othello by our amazing wordsmithing friend Shakespeare. It really is good stuff, I just find it difficult to believe that Shakespeare actually considered any of these writing conventions when writing the play. Like ethos and logos and pathos... and was he thinking that we would scrutinize his work years later?
No way in hell. And the amount of writing the guy did makes it seem like he was doing a lifelong NaNoWriMo. :)
Well it's either Othello the tradgedy or the DC's very first death scene, which is also tradgic.
I might as well get mum to explain chemistry to me the way this is going. It's got to be more interesting than the student teacher's lectures. I'm glad I'm missing it for two days.
Read on write on ladies and gentlemen.
Amanda Out.
So I have no idea if anyone has even checked up on this lately, and if you have, PLEASE comment below... Pretty please? For the love of grilled cheese?
Anyways it doesn't really matter right now because I'm going to post anyways. It beats trying to study for Othello.
SO! This is what I wanted to ask y'all about. NaNoWriMo (click the link, 'tis why I liked it) is coming up in November. Which ironically enough is national writing month. *cough* why they call it NaNoWriMo *cough*
Anyways, I've heard a lot about it, but I've never actually been a part of it. It's my kind of contest too... write crappy writing, just for the sake of writing. That's it. Oh... and you have to write 50, 000 words with an at least extrememly vague plot by the end of November.
*cricket chirps* *some H1N1 inflicted coughing fits*
So what I want to know is... Am I crazy? Have you people seen my schedule? I'm already behind in Chemistry homework, and I'm actually thanking the two days I have off (well sort of) so that I can catch up on two day's homework. And then the two days homework after the two days off. Not to mention feeling like shit and just wanting to sleep for a week I don't have...
It'll be like 3 weeks before I can even think about taking a sick day.
Where in the hell would I find time to sit and write approximately 1667 words each day? The idea is to spend all your time writing, but that's time I don't have. Yet my internal being feels the urge to sign up and do the stupid thing even though... um... I can't.
Oh and so y'all get a picture of how much 1667 words is... my last Dream Catcher chapter was 1516 words. That's 4 pages. And according to Microsoft Word, it took me 4524 minutes to write just chapter 11. That's 75 hours. That's just over 3 12-hour days of writing.
I think I'm crazy just for considering it. Mind I'm starting to wonder where Microsoft got that number from, cause I only remember taking two nights on DC-11... Maybe it's cause I left the file running...
So yes, that's what I'm thinking. I need someone to convince me to do it. Or not to do it. Oh! and I'll be more inclined to sign up and not sleep if someone is willing to sign up and not sleep with me.
But alas, I should be making a marginal attempt to consider that which is Othello by our amazing wordsmithing friend Shakespeare. It really is good stuff, I just find it difficult to believe that Shakespeare actually considered any of these writing conventions when writing the play. Like ethos and logos and pathos... and was he thinking that we would scrutinize his work years later?
No way in hell. And the amount of writing the guy did makes it seem like he was doing a lifelong NaNoWriMo. :)
Well it's either Othello the tradgedy or the DC's very first death scene, which is also tradgic.
I might as well get mum to explain chemistry to me the way this is going. It's got to be more interesting than the student teacher's lectures. I'm glad I'm missing it for two days.
Read on write on ladies and gentlemen.
Amanda Out.
October 19, 2009
Awesome Quotes
Hey all.
So the other day, whilst I whistled away hours linking random stuff, I came across a really cool quote. Which lead me to learn how to HTML a picture so you could see it.

And of course, we have nothing without Doctor Who. XD
That's all for now guys!!! Thanks!
So the other day, whilst I whistled away hours linking random stuff, I came across a really cool quote. Which lead me to learn how to HTML a picture so you could see it.
And there it is!!!! Sha-BAM! I feel cool. I can HTML stuff. Mind that's slightly nerdy too... ah well. XD
So I thought I'd deticate this post to really awesome quotes in picture/icon form cuz it's awesome. :P
So enjoy!
Ok ok ok ok ok I know this isn't a quote, but OMG!!! FANG!!!! Major droolage. Ah! Goregeous.
Except he has really skinny fingers... ok lady who draws this, you can not fight freaking erasers with fingers like pencils...
And what is this? Volume two? Since when?! I must find. The beach scene would be in part two, no? X)
Ahahaha, I saw this a while ago and couldn't resist... it was too good.
Gotta love good old Arty Fowl. :P :)
WOOT HHGTTG... AKA H2GT2G or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
And of course, we have nothing without Doctor Who. XD
That's all for now guys!!! Thanks!
October 15, 2009
A bit out of the ordinary
Hey all.
So rarely I ever talk about things that actually happen to me, but I feel like ranting about nothing in particular today...
Which may send you all fleeing away who still read my random postings, but whatever...
What do I want to rant about... hmm... well...
This morning I slept in. Which is odd. I usually only do that when I'm getting sick. Which is bad.
So yes, I had fifteen minutes to get ready this morning, and I managed to get it all done and out the door with the exception of eating breakfast, and I think I may have forgotten to brush my teeth.
Then there were announcements this morning... in which I had none on paper and had to do it all out of memory 'cause everyone was as lazy as me this morning. Oh and I played Christian rock music. Cause I felt like it. Tomorrow I plan on playing Kokomo by the Beach Boys (They are really amazing singers... too bad they never made it big...) because it's Multicultural Day. And sadly, a song by the Beach Boys is about the most multicultural song on my computer... It's sad really... Ah well, it's a good song. I still am in indecision about which Oh Canada however...
What else happens in my day... we did absolutely nothing in Media Arts as usual... The student teacher is turning out to be more helpful than our actual teacher, which really shouldn't be. But that's how it is. I still can't figure out how I'm supposed to use brushes to make it look like a woodblock print. Can't I just use the cutout filter, then the rubber stamp filter on top? And maybe a little graphic pen to make it look scrached up. XD
World History's alright though... I know I got the first question wrong. *headdesk* I blame the phrasing of the question.
But we're doing wall paintings now, which is cool. We're doing ours on a deceased high priest, right guys?
And of course we scared the supply teacher with our ideas... I think she might have written something up about our unorthadoxity. What? The question asked "What does he want to accomplish in the afterlife?" So what if he wants to become a camel farmer, have lots of lady friends, and have little philisophical themed cocktail parties with the gods. It's the AFTERLIFE. They didn't know what to expect.
Oh and that reminds me of something else. How did they know about the heart weighing ceremony thing if no one ever came back from the dead and said anything?
Person 1: So I heard Imhotemp is cheating with Pharaoh's mistress.
Person 2: No way. Ha that's just a rumor. Like he'd do that.
Person 1: Yeah really. Remember that other guy who died because he did that?
Person 2: I wonder what happened to that guy...
*both people gasp as they are apprehended by an other worldly apparation*
Person 2: Ma'at shit!
Mummy: Do not be afraid. I come in peace.
Person 1: What is this man? Give it up. It's so obviously fake.
Person 2: How the hell do you assume that?
Mummy: I come to tell you of the afterlife. Hail Amun-Ra!
Person 1: haha, yeah. Very funny.
Person 2: Ma'at shit! Tell us oh apparation! Hail Amun-Ra!
Mummy: You will be judged in a heart weighing ceremony, where you will either pass onto the land of that god that ripped to pieces by a guy named Seth, or you will be devoured by a guy who's half crocodile, half lion, half hippo.
Person 1: Is that supposed to be menacing?
*awkward silence*
Mummy: Yes.
Person 1: *does the V-8 thing to self*
Person 2: Oh mighty mighty gods!!! *worships apparation*
Person 1: What in the name of Isis are you doing?
Person 2: Oh such judgemental gods! Hail Amun-Ra! Hail Anubis!
Person 1: *does V-8 thing to self again*
Mummy: I must leave to the land of that guy who got ripped to shreads by a guy named Seth. Remember my words oh lowly ones!
Person 1: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Person 2: HAIL AMUN-RA!
Person 1: oh shut the death by crocodile/lion/hippo man up.
[EXIT apparation]
Person 2: We should tell Pharaoh.
Person 1: Who? Khufu the tofu man? Like he cares... I bet you two pieces of string that no one will know anything about him in 1000 years.
Person 2: We should still tell Pharaoh.
*Person 2 tells Pharaoh*
*Person 1 gets killed by Pharaoh cause he didn't do anything*
*Person 1 arrives in the afterlife at mentioned ceremony*
Person 1: Ma'at shit! That thingy was right!
So... yeah... that's just what I was thinking... Little insight into my brain there... But it's true! To an extent.
hmmm... then comes Chemistry... I wish I had a little insight into my brain on that, but all it would be is...
** Meth means one so methanol is one carbon and one OH because of the ol so that means there's three hydrogen-y thingies. and it's CH3OH**
Yeah I won't bore you to death.
So I guess we can move onto English, cause nothing happened at lunch that was particularly eventful. Mind, nothing really happened in English either cause I was so brain dead. My mind was like mush. Like mush the food. There's actually a food called that you know... Mush. There's also a food called mash. And not mash potatoes. OH! and speaking of weird named foods, we can't forget to mention SPAM. Now who the heck came up with that? It's like naming you're kid after a drug or pepsi or something...
The last thing my mind registers doing is changing the mouse pointers on my computer cuz I was board. Now when something's loading, I see a peeling banana, and when e computer is working, I see this little blue fat dinosaur walking. It was actually one of the pre-sets oddly enough...
What else can I say... OH! no I'll do something better... I'll be like wikipedia and link a whole bunch of random things.
So now that I've spent hours doing that, I think it is probably best just to figure something out for multicultural day and start sleeping off this cold.
That's all for now guys, thanks for tuning into my day!
Read on, Write on!
Amanda Out.
So rarely I ever talk about things that actually happen to me, but I feel like ranting about nothing in particular today...
Which may send you all fleeing away who still read my random postings, but whatever...
What do I want to rant about... hmm... well...
This morning I slept in. Which is odd. I usually only do that when I'm getting sick. Which is bad.
So yes, I had fifteen minutes to get ready this morning, and I managed to get it all done and out the door with the exception of eating breakfast, and I think I may have forgotten to brush my teeth.
Then there were announcements this morning... in which I had none on paper and had to do it all out of memory 'cause everyone was as lazy as me this morning. Oh and I played Christian rock music. Cause I felt like it. Tomorrow I plan on playing Kokomo by the Beach Boys (They are really amazing singers... too bad they never made it big...) because it's Multicultural Day. And sadly, a song by the Beach Boys is about the most multicultural song on my computer... It's sad really... Ah well, it's a good song. I still am in indecision about which Oh Canada however...
What else happens in my day... we did absolutely nothing in Media Arts as usual... The student teacher is turning out to be more helpful than our actual teacher, which really shouldn't be. But that's how it is. I still can't figure out how I'm supposed to use brushes to make it look like a woodblock print. Can't I just use the cutout filter, then the rubber stamp filter on top? And maybe a little graphic pen to make it look scrached up. XD
World History's alright though... I know I got the first question wrong. *headdesk* I blame the phrasing of the question.
But we're doing wall paintings now, which is cool. We're doing ours on a deceased high priest, right guys?
And of course we scared the supply teacher with our ideas... I think she might have written something up about our unorthadoxity. What? The question asked "What does he want to accomplish in the afterlife?" So what if he wants to become a camel farmer, have lots of lady friends, and have little philisophical themed cocktail parties with the gods. It's the AFTERLIFE. They didn't know what to expect.
Oh and that reminds me of something else. How did they know about the heart weighing ceremony thing if no one ever came back from the dead and said anything?
Person 1: So I heard Imhotemp is cheating with Pharaoh's mistress.
Person 2: No way. Ha that's just a rumor. Like he'd do that.
Person 1: Yeah really. Remember that other guy who died because he did that?
Person 2: I wonder what happened to that guy...
*both people gasp as they are apprehended by an other worldly apparation*
Person 2: Ma'at shit!
Mummy: Do not be afraid. I come in peace.
Person 1: What is this man? Give it up. It's so obviously fake.
Person 2: How the hell do you assume that?
Mummy: I come to tell you of the afterlife. Hail Amun-Ra!
Person 1: haha, yeah. Very funny.
Person 2: Ma'at shit! Tell us oh apparation! Hail Amun-Ra!
Mummy: You will be judged in a heart weighing ceremony, where you will either pass onto the land of that god that ripped to pieces by a guy named Seth, or you will be devoured by a guy who's half crocodile, half lion, half hippo.
Person 1: Is that supposed to be menacing?
*awkward silence*
Mummy: Yes.
Person 1: *does the V-8 thing to self*
Person 2: Oh mighty mighty gods!!! *worships apparation*
Person 1: What in the name of Isis are you doing?
Person 2: Oh such judgemental gods! Hail Amun-Ra! Hail Anubis!
Person 1: *does V-8 thing to self again*
Mummy: I must leave to the land of that guy who got ripped to shreads by a guy named Seth. Remember my words oh lowly ones!
Person 1: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Person 2: HAIL AMUN-RA!
Person 1: oh shut the death by crocodile/lion/hippo man up.
[EXIT apparation]
Person 2: We should tell Pharaoh.
Person 1: Who? Khufu the tofu man? Like he cares... I bet you two pieces of string that no one will know anything about him in 1000 years.
Person 2: We should still tell Pharaoh.
*Person 2 tells Pharaoh*
*Person 1 gets killed by Pharaoh cause he didn't do anything*
*Person 1 arrives in the afterlife at mentioned ceremony*
Person 1: Ma'at shit! That thingy was right!
So... yeah... that's just what I was thinking... Little insight into my brain there... But it's true! To an extent.
hmmm... then comes Chemistry... I wish I had a little insight into my brain on that, but all it would be is...
** Meth means one so methanol is one carbon and one OH because of the ol so that means there's three hydrogen-y thingies. and it's CH3OH**
Yeah I won't bore you to death.
So I guess we can move onto English, cause nothing happened at lunch that was particularly eventful. Mind, nothing really happened in English either cause I was so brain dead. My mind was like mush. Like mush the food. There's actually a food called that you know... Mush. There's also a food called mash. And not mash potatoes. OH! and speaking of weird named foods, we can't forget to mention SPAM. Now who the heck came up with that? It's like naming you're kid after a drug or pepsi or something...
The last thing my mind registers doing is changing the mouse pointers on my computer cuz I was board. Now when something's loading, I see a peeling banana, and when e computer is working, I see this little blue fat dinosaur walking. It was actually one of the pre-sets oddly enough...
What else can I say... OH! no I'll do something better... I'll be like wikipedia and link a whole bunch of random things.
So now that I've spent hours doing that, I think it is probably best just to figure something out for multicultural day and start sleeping off this cold.
That's all for now guys, thanks for tuning into my day!
Read on, Write on!
Amanda Out.
October 9, 2009
Long time, no write
Hey all.
So it's been a while since I've written anything, let alone a blog post, and I felt it was time for an update. But this is not my only purpose for posting. I also wished to inform you all that I posted Chapter 11 of Dream Catcher last night. YAY! It's been MONTHS since I posted anything for Dream Catcher.
Also, to expand the number of readers I changed the rating from PG to G so that you could read it even if you're not a member of Mibba. I think the G rating should be alright, other than that one chapter where Nightmare enjoyed swearing his head off for a while, but I apologized for that at the bottom, and still, I think the swearing is pretty mild as it is.
What else... I made a cover for the story, but I don't think you can see them yet on the site. As well, I'm working on updating the Characters page (you can see it by clicking on Dream Catcher, then along the top where the comments link is, there's kne for Characters now)
Overall, I really just need comments to keep going. The only people that read chapter ten were Karlene and Jenn that I know of, and chapter 10 is pretty important. I really need imput. It'll motivate me to write more often.
Anyways, I'll stop complaining and just post the link to Chapter 11 - Painful Memory.
OH! and if you haven't read Chapter ten, eleven probably won't make sense unless you read it. So hut to! Unless you've never read Dream Catcher before, then you'll have to go all the way back to the very beginning... but skip the first chapter if you do, it sucks majorly. It will still make sense if you start on two.
AND LASTLY: (yes, I am still talking, so fingers on lips) For all of you lovely people who read this, I'd like to let you know that you can comment even if you don't have a blogger account. I set it so that you could!!! So COMMENT! I like comments. Comments are good. That's why they have those little comment card thingies that you stick in the little boxes by the door in restaurants.
Comments are good.
Anyways, that is all for now ladies and gentlemen.
Live on, write on!
*tips top hat*
So it's been a while since I've written anything, let alone a blog post, and I felt it was time for an update. But this is not my only purpose for posting. I also wished to inform you all that I posted Chapter 11 of Dream Catcher last night. YAY! It's been MONTHS since I posted anything for Dream Catcher.
Also, to expand the number of readers I changed the rating from PG to G so that you could read it even if you're not a member of Mibba. I think the G rating should be alright, other than that one chapter where Nightmare enjoyed swearing his head off for a while, but I apologized for that at the bottom, and still, I think the swearing is pretty mild as it is.
What else... I made a cover for the story, but I don't think you can see them yet on the site. As well, I'm working on updating the Characters page (you can see it by clicking on Dream Catcher, then along the top where the comments link is, there's kne for Characters now)
Overall, I really just need comments to keep going. The only people that read chapter ten were Karlene and Jenn that I know of, and chapter 10 is pretty important. I really need imput. It'll motivate me to write more often.
Anyways, I'll stop complaining and just post the link to Chapter 11 - Painful Memory.
OH! and if you haven't read Chapter ten, eleven probably won't make sense unless you read it. So hut to! Unless you've never read Dream Catcher before, then you'll have to go all the way back to the very beginning... but skip the first chapter if you do, it sucks majorly. It will still make sense if you start on two.
AND LASTLY: (yes, I am still talking, so fingers on lips) For all of you lovely people who read this, I'd like to let you know that you can comment even if you don't have a blogger account. I set it so that you could!!! So COMMENT! I like comments. Comments are good. That's why they have those little comment card thingies that you stick in the little boxes by the door in restaurants.
Comments are good.
Anyways, that is all for now ladies and gentlemen.
Live on, write on!
*tips top hat*
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