March 25, 2010

A Delve into this Mind of Mine

I was doing some thinking today (which is something that happens to me occasionally) after getting my brain all fired up from doing a solid 2 hours of Math and Physics, which I decided to abandon for thinking instead.

Anyways, my mind turned to pondering upon the questions of life and how I see it, all while listening to the epically awesome songs Violet Hill, Strawberry Swing, and Death and all its Friends by Coldplay (I am aware I have a peculiar taste in music).

So, for today's blog entry, I thought I'd delve into the stranger workings of this mind of mine, and share with you the thoughts I have formed. They're not very long, I went over them a bazillion times.

The first is this (and we'll see now if I'm crazy or not): The key to happiness is to live on impulse, but with conscience. Reason only ever comes into play when there is warning to impulse. Look before you leap. And you may think me juvenile, but if I learned anything in 16 years, it's that I never want to grow up. If I've learned anything from adults, adulthood is depressing, so why ever venture there? Age is a matter of perspective.

Hmm... I may have accidentally expanded on that while writing it.

The second was this: So we search for happiness, but happiness is something you can never attain. This is because you don't find happiness, you come across moments of euphoria that you carry with you on your journey of life. They are moments you never forget, they stick with you because they are a part of you, a part of your life. There's highs and lows, like a roller coaster, but you can never have highs all the time, otherwise the ride would suck. So instead of searching for happiness, cling to those moments of euphoria you get from splurging on the most outlandish of impulses as the coaster comes crashing down.

That one was a little more obscure. In a way though, I'm starting to see where that Belief-O-Matic quiz I took was matching me up as being Buddhist rather than Roman Catholic. :)

Anyways, there's your delve into my mind for today...
Read on, Write on ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Nightmare spare you.
Amanda Out.

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