September 28, 2010

Who writes a 13 page apology? And recites it in court?

So yeah, I'm getting super pissed off at this Philosophy reading we have to do and I've officially given up. If it takes me more than a half hour to read, then I'm not reading it. I got to page FOUR in a half hour. Yeah, that's how terrible it is. But it's somewhat amusing in someways. For being ridiculously wise, Socrates was an idiot. Oh yeah, by the way, I was reading the thirteen page Apology of Socrates. The man rambles.

Anyways, from what I understand, he basically wandered around telling apparently wise people they weren't wise, because they only posses human wisdom which is basically the equivalent of nothing.

This only proves his point when he says, "I should say to HIM, 'Here is a man who is wiser than I am; but you said that I was the wisest.'"

He was talking about going to prove the Oracle of Delphi wrong. The Oracle at Delphi is FEMALE. This has been proved by history. They got high off methane coming out of the rocks at Delphi and gave visons.

Anyways, I found that kind of interesting. My brain is already starting to hurt and I'm not even in Philosophy class yet.

What else is happening? Oh, Jess wants me to tell you cheese is made of magic. She thought you should know that.

What else... Oh, the fact that I'm too nice. Yeah, I was on MSN last night and I managed to solve three people's problems at the same time in under an hour. I think that's pretty epic.

But it just reminded me how much it hurts to help people. When you genuinely help someone, you leave a little bit of yourself with them, you give that to them. And they abuse it, and some days, there's just nothing left to give they take so much of you. But you don't care. You do it anyways because you know it's right.

On theme with Philosophy next period, I think it's good to end with this quote.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." ~ Plato.

September 27, 2010

Gotta Run

Hey, so I want my snack time, and I still have assignments to do before then, so this is just a quick post so that I keep up with this goal.

Anyways, here's what I wanted to tell you. Korky's fretting over some Enlgish project on Lord of the Rings next to me here, and she found this site that tells her all the names of the places and mountains and peoples in te movie to help her. She clicks on this one, and she's like "OMG, there's a name for a rock they never mentioned."

Naturally, being nerds, we borke out laughing, then realized it wasn't so funny because it was probably mentioned in the book.

Anyways... that's all for today. Toodeloo!
Amanda Out.

September 24, 2010

Hmm... Interesting.

So during a debate in English this morning about feminism (we watched way more gLee than we probably needed to and Katy Perry's stupid Calfornia Girls video), me and Karlene got into a debate over whether we've read more books by females or by males, wondering if we're living up to our feminist nature. So we started a list. Sadly, it's terribly difficult to do this from memory, other than the main writers we watch, so on my spare I rambled through my Goodreads "read" list to see the authors I've read and how many books by them I've read. And what I found kinda shocked me. Here's the results:

Males (11)
Douglas Adams
Eoin Colfer
Garth Nix
Kenneth Oppel
Christopher Paolini
James Patterson
Rick Riordan
W. Shakespeare
Geoffrey Trease
Isaac Asimov

Females (17)
Kelley Armstrong

Flavia Bujor
Meg Cabot
P.C. Cast
Cassandra Clare
Cornelia Funke
S.E. Hinton
Sue Monk Kidd
Harper Lee
Lesley Livingston
Stephenie Meyer
Jenny Nimmo
Tamora Pierce
Anne Rice
J.K. Rowling
Mary Shelly
Patricia C. Wrede

As you can see, there are clearly more female writer's that I've read than male ones. But the other thing I counted was how many books by them I've read. The results were:

Males: 58 books                      Females: 46 books

So even though I've read more female authors, I've still read more books my males. My brain starting to sink into Philosophy mode for next period, I started to wonder why. Then I noticed some patterns.

The males, for the most part, have all written lengthy series, with some still not completed. The average amount of books in a series with a male author is around 6-8 books, and that's with some unfinished series remember. Then I looked at the girls side. With the exception of Rowling and Nimmo, who broke the barrier at the begninning of my childhood for female fantasy writers, most of the females that tossed us, threw us, and took us on wild adventures wrote only 3 or 4 books for their series. On average, girls get a lot more done with less paper.

Also noticed, on close analysis, that most of the female authors I've read I've picked up relitively recently, other than the old classics you read in school.

It appears females are a minority in the sci-fi/fantasy world, but they're starting to make their mark. Which gives me hope that I might be on that list someday.

Girl Power!!!
Amanda Out.

September 23, 2010


So Korky's fretting out about a math question right now... Like to the point she should be rocking back and forth in a corner.

Apparently she thinks she copied down this question wrong, and she has no idea how to do it. I'd help her, but I know nothing about math, especially grade 12 math. Ick. I have to take it next semester at the end of the day. It's gonna be terrible.

Anyways, we can't decide who she should ask for help. There's a nerdy smart kid of awesome sitting at the table over yonder named Jared, and though he's one of our kin(meaning the nerd family), we don't know him very well. And Korky doesn't have the guts to walk over to him and randomly ask him a question. Though, now that I think of it, I would find that weird too. So he's out.

We asked Jess, who is SUPER nerdy, and at least took the class a year or so ago... but I dunno how much help she'll be. She has a cold. Personally, I think she should ask Ola, but she won't see her until next period...

Oh, hold on I think she got it... YAYS!!! Oh wait... never mind, wrong question.

So yeah. That's our little adventure for today. As you can see, not much is happening. Although I did bring my Collected Works of my Good Friend William Shakespeare to school today for Writer's Craft. It's sitting right here next to me. It is godly, gold leafed pages and all. *sighs*

Don't you hate it when the most amazingly super awesome guys(slash girls) are either dead or ficitonal? I mean, I would date Shakespeare, that's how awesome he is. And everyone else is fictional. I mean, did you read the Mortal Instruments series? (Cassandra Clare is a Goddess) Jace=God. I'm dead serious. He's real I tell you.

And then all of us floating this sorry boat end up drowning our lives away in writing our own literature in an failing attempt to create an actually decent guy. I don't think it's possible, you can't possibly meet a decent guy in your whole life. You have to put up with an almost descent one someday. Well, unless he's gay, but then you know, things aren't going to work out.

Korky's freaking out next to me. She're cursing math. I won't quote directly, but basically "I HATE MATH."

I think it's a statement even geniuses have said at least once in their life. What idiot decided we could use numbers to describe the world again? I think we're learning about him in philosophy today... the Pythgorians? Something like that. OOO! That reminds me of pie. Now I want some.

That's all for today. Chillax. We'll make it through.
Amanda Out.

September 22, 2010

The World of Role Play

Hello all. Today is day two of my spare blogging. I will blog every day!

Did that really need an exclamation mark? Yes. Yes it did.

So here's today's post. It's raining, and all my joints feel like crap. My head is swirling so much I can't concentrate on much... especially this screen. So don't mind my spelling. I'm currently decked out in a tensor bandage on my wrist, and both ankle braces, trying to fight the wrath of the rain. Yet despite its depressing nature, I've always seemed to like it for some reason. Weird.

I also ventured into the world of role play last night by trying to join Karlene's character's dorm room. Well it's going well so far. We only got out like one post each last night, so we continued our discussions today in a google doc during our English computer period. I know, naughty. But I can't concentrate on Julian of Norwich's life right now, so it was a welcome distraction from a throbbing brain.

And in that conversation today, I managed to piss off her character, Midnight, twice. Looks like I probably won't be rooming with her. That's alright. I'm going to go to the hallway subtopic, and open a room called Pandorica's Closet. I shalt live there. And lock the door.

So that's my adventures with role play today... how about something from yesterday.

hmmm... Well we still haven't given our presentation in Philosophy. That's alright though, ours sucks. I want you to find the philosophical questions in Galileo dropping two weights off the tower of Pisa. Our thought bite didn't even have a question to get us started! The blasphemy!!! Is that even politically correct to say?

Anyways, I drew something for Korky instead that looks kinda sweet. But she has it, so I can't post it sadly. Otherwise I would. YAY SCANNERS!

And thinking of drawing, you should see my pathetic attempt at drawing anime. My sister's teaching me, but that doesn't negate the fact that I CAN'T DRAW WORTH SHIT. Well, maybe a little bit. I can DOODLE! :)

Alright, I'll stop with the caps. I might post the drawing when I'm done. But right now all you can see is a head and two arms cuz that's all I know how to draw! Once I learn I'm gonna draw all the characters from Dream Catcher! Yay! I'm excited.

So that's my adventures from yesterday. Back to the boredom of my spare. Toodeloo!
Amanda Out.

September 21, 2010

School's Begun!

Hey all.

So I know I kinda neglected this during the summer, but I promise I'm going to update this as often as I can with stories from the previous day. Promise. I have second spare, and as long as I'm not doing homework, I'm going to update this blog. WOOT!

So adventures... I'm doing way more Girl Guides than is probably humanly necissary. I'm Junior Leading in a Sparks unit and in a Guide unit. I'll also help my mother from time to time. And on top of all that, I'm a Ranger still! The spaks meeting is tonight and Jenn if a leader! I'm so excited! But I have to remember to back off so I don't overwhelm her... which may be difficult because it's me. Hopefully a room full of cute six year olds will be distraction enough.

I share this spare with Korky (she's currently reading original brothers grimm tales on the internets), and I have every single class with Karlene. Oh! And Philosophy class should be eventful what with all the brain melting and EVERYONE IN IT. Karlene, Ania, Korky, Ola, Rachel, Emily, Marissa, Victoria, Sonya, and Jared. EVERYONE is in that class and we all get to melt our brains together!!!! ^^

And just for the record, PARMENIDIES MELTED MY BRAIN.

The other exciting thing that is happening is I'm venturing into the world of Role Play. I haven't officially launched my character into the world of online character development, but I'm thinking someone named Pandora who's the daughter of Athena and Hades, cast to earth by her parents, doesn't know her past and is adopted by faries. Yeah.

And where's all this happening? The wonderful world of Gaia. Anime freaks galore. And the occasional book fan. And the bunch of us who are only addicted to it because our sister's joined and we had to watch over them to make sure they don't do anything stupid and ruin our repuations. Yeah. XD

So I'm launching into RPing. OH! and the other thing you should know is that we've re-launched Nerd-Tastic Adventures! You can check it out by clicking that link. You know you want to. There we will be documenting our adventures throughout high school as nerds. You are welcome to contribute. Just let me know! It's gonna be epic. We have a whole bunch of new stories lines up to tell, so do check it out and get youself aquinted with the old ones.

So that's all for now and I'm supposed to be working on my RP character right now instead of blogging, but I figured I'd update you anyways.

Writing everyday from now on during my spare!
Amanda Out.