April 29, 2010

Welcome to my life.

My name is Amanda. And I'm Seventeen.

One of the sad facts of my life is that on the actual day of my birth I could not even take five minutes to post something because I had so much freaking homework. In fact I didn't even sit down and do something for me until 9:30 pm. I got up at 6 am and had a meeting at 7:30. Now, yes, if I wasn't such a procrastinator, I would have had less homework. But of course, being me, I left pretty much my entire Physics assignment to last night and I had a Math test today too I was studying for.

So I'm posting today. When I have no homework. I really should be doing extra studying, but if I have 5 hours of homework on my birthday, I think I deserve one day off. Please?

Anyways, I am seventeen now. Every time I tell myself this though it scares me. It's such a scary word. It's too big. There's WAY too much responsibility attached to it. Stuff I don't want yet. Plus it keeps reminding me of that movie that Zac Efron (or whatever his name is) is in and then I shudder horrifically.

Might I take the next fifty pages to explain how Disney is corrupting the minds of our youth? And how all the OTHER corrupting stuff they blame it on is a lie? I might not. I won't. You can imagine my frustration however.

So I'm seventeen, I don't understand factoring, I need to do extra physics homework, and all of the above scares me.

Frankly, I'm afraid of the future. I don't want any of it. I do not under any circumstance want to think that far ahead. My body like actually repels it. So sitting through parent teacher interviews tonight, and all my teachers are asking me what my Post-Secondary education plans are? What do I want to be? I have no freaking idea. Well, that's not entirely true. I know what I would like to do, but what I'd like to do doesn't actually exist as a job anymore, or isn't at all. Either that or everyone else doesn't like what I decide. The "intellects" (math and science and guidance) look at my marks and my ability to rearrange algebra and tell me I should be reaching higher. I should be going to university. Becoming a doctor or an engineer. Saving the world. Which I don't really want to put up the effort to do. I'd rather enjoy the world while it lasts than "save" it. And then the arts look at my creative ability and tell me I should be going to Sheraton collage to do Photography/English/Media. It's a big industry. Lots of money. But my family either doesn't agree with it, or there's no jobs in it.

I would love to travel the world. Capture all of it with my camera. Write about the world, and the way it sways and flows. The way my voice echoes at the top of Everest to the way Stingrays slink under the sand at the bottom of the sea.

What no one remembers anymore is that knowledge does NOT come from a textbook, although nowadays it looks like it does. The guys who found out the stuff in that textbook only found it out because the world taught them that things fall, and the wind blows, and wood burns. Knowledge comes from the world around you, from something as simple as a shiny red apple.

It's an apple. It's the fruit that Eve picked from the tree of Knowledge, the source of all knowledge, the meaning of life. The apple is red, the colour of love and passion, as well as anger and rage. The meaning of life, love is not without anger, passion is not without rage. But these are the forces that drive the roller coaster of life, the ups and downs. And though it might look shiny on the outside, everything always has a rougher interior than you imagine. The apple is sweet, but with a slightly sour twinge. Life is the same way. It is amazing, but you cannot have sweet without sour. There will always be negatives. Apples make a crunching sound when you bite into them, like bones breaking. You're killing it when you eat it. You are killing yourself if you do not live your life to the fullest.

And that just from an apple. The world provides us with everything we need to know, so why aren't we studying it?

Instead we stay locked up inside all day, "protected" from the world around us, studying what others have learned from the whisper on the wind. But the melody is different to every ear.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that when I look at the world, that's what I see. I see in vivid colour, composition and line. It has structure and balance. It has truths we haven't unfolded. It has mysteries that we just have to believe, for it will never reveal them. Everything's about how it makes me feel. I live in the moment. So I don't want the future. I don't want to have to think about that.

I want to be a child forever. The world is such a beautiful place when you don't have to worry. That's all we do now is worry. With ages and birthdays comes sitting down and deciding where your going to position yourself in the world again. And when you don't fit anywhere practical, when you slowly become sure that you're radical, the world becomes a difficult place to hide in. You stand out forever. You're alone forever. And you're never remembered forever.

Read on, write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Amanda Out.

April 26, 2010

Just thought you should know.

You are amazing.

You are handsome. You are beautiful. Life is tough, but you make it worth living.

April 25, 2010

This is me, This is Life.

Hey all!

Long time no talk, I know. But life's been crazy. I want to share some of that with you.

First off, awesome party Kels. You know how to throw 'em. I hope you had a good time of course. Also happy belated birthday to Amy. :) And there's one thing I want you both to remember, (something everyone should remember on their birthday) it's your beauty that makes the world turn. You're beautiful sunshines! :) It's why you're my sunshine! ahaha.

Second, I threw my party this weekend too, and let me tell you, it was incredibly lame compared to Kelsey's. But I hope everyone had fun. :) I had a good time. Thank you Kelsey for the present I will receive later because it will keep me on my toes in anticipation. Thank you Sonya for the $20 bucks, it will give me an excuse to go shopping (even if it might be for books). Thank you Korky for the amazing Wishing Well, the handmade card and the Candy (half of which I've already eaten), it will help me remember that everyday is worth living. Thank you Ania for the awesome little card, the candy (which I will eat after I finish Korky's), the foamy stuff of awesomeness, Steve the helium balloon, and the Birthday Girl ribbon, because it will give me something to wear proudly on my actual birthday. Thank you Jennifer for The Reckoning, and the little book of friendship quotes, it will give me an excuse to read The Awakening now, and remind me all the time of the wonderful people in my life. And thank you Kim, for finding a way to come in her busy schedule, and not ripping my head off for going to see Peter Pan, because I value every minute I get to spend with you. :)

Now that I've done my Merci Buckets, I can go into the next thing I did this weekend, which was going to Stratford to see Peter Pan at the Avon. And I'm sorry Kim. You can have Robin Hood if I can have Peter Pan. I forgot how amazing the kid is. And, as I do when I go to see any play, I learn something about myself. And this play just completely re-enforced the fact that I never want to grow up. And who says I have to? Reality can be Neverland is you look at it right. My enemies (I have enemies?) can be Pirates, my crazy friends can be my Lost Boys, and everyone else can be Amazons! Of course, in my twisted way of always relating most to the guy, I really most want to be Peter Pan, screw Wendy. She's WAY too formal, and as much as she's still caught in the trap of childhood, she's already stepped too far into Adulthood to become a child again.

Gosh I related to Peter far too much. Always wanting to be a child, loving everyone who comes his way (even Hook), feeling like the world doesn't understand you, doesn't want you, yet still adolescently falling in love and not understanding, seeing the person you "love" as your "mother," someone who understands you. Hell, I'm not the re-incarnation of Maid Marion (for those of you who read/heard of the Facebook conversation), I'm a living breathing Peter Pan, and I'm living in my own personal Neverland.

Which lead me to do a LOT of thinking about myself, an activity that I sometimes partake in on the weekend, and I had to sit down and wrap my world around something concrete, which this weekend happened to be a red apple. But all that thinking is left for another day to be explained 'cause this post is already getting quite long.

So the last thing I did this weekend up until now was I just finished James Patterson's FANG. And I have quite a lot to say. If you haven't read it yet, that's alright, I threw it into a Spoiler Box so you can just skip over it without accidentally catching anything climax-y. So here's what I have to say.

Damn you James Patterson. Damn you to hell. (The spoiler box. Highlight the text to read. Skip over otherwise) Spoiler: Ok, I have to give the guy some credit, I've never loved Mr. Tall, Dark, and Winged more. But really? You don't make Fang run away, kill him, bring him back to life, then have him run off again. That's just incredibly stupid! How are you going to continue the series now, Mr. Patterson? You're going to have to pick; Max's life or Fang's life. And don't go skip twenty years, that's even stupider (no matter how many of us wish you would). If you pick Max's life, it's going to be horribly depressing. Max CANNOT function without Fang. You WROTE her that way. And Max is great and all, but frankly, I read for Fang. And with him out of the question, it's just not worth it. Iggy isn't even as funny as he once was! And don't even think about setting Max up with Dylan. He's a nice guy and all (and I seriously did not see suicide coming from him) but no matter how GM-ed the guy is, he can never be a more perfect match for Max than Fang. And Fax-ness is almost too perfect as it is.

If you go from Fang's perspective, you've officially butchered the entire plot you've built up so far about saving the world. We both know that's not Fang's job (although I did sit down one day and found a way that you could have had him save the world, before you sent him off of course). OH! and doing a bit of both, jumping between the two stories? I effing hate that. I read a whole series like that once and was fed up with the story until they came together again. I couldn't stand Saving the World and other Extreme Sports for exactly that reason.

And what was with Total and Akila's wedding at the end? I can see their relationship as a subplot echo of Max and Fang's like an underlying foreshadow, or a warning. But the wedding was completely random. And I can handle some random stuff. I live for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! But you lead us to believe it was a happy ending we weren't expecting, only to completely crash our hopes and make us even more confused. I can tolerate you making Fang leave, and almost killing him (so long as he does come back to life). But if Fang stays away 20 years I am seriously going to kill you. And I'm going to get the white coats to help.

Now that I'm done my rant to JP, there were a few things I wanted to share with you that have to be contained within the Spoiler.

1. Ok Fang's second letter to Max? I seriously cried. And those of you who know me, I'd sooner throw the book at the wall than cry. Much sooner. I didn't even cry when Dustfinger died in Inkspell. Or when Murtagh became evil in Eldest. But that letter was so beautiful, I couldn't help myself. JP can write, dammit. His plot needs work though. Serious work. (and you're all probs going to shoot me now because it seems like I killed Trevor in DC for no reason)

2. Ok, that scene where Max comes running and Fang's more or less dead, and they're all fighting? Ok. Max I can see getting there in under 5 minutes, super sonic. But didn't the rest of the flock get there A LOT faster than they should have?

Also in that scene, and I think this is a testament to my insanity, when all chaos has broken loose and Max is desperately trying to save Fang and stabs him with a hypo to the heart? Yeah, I wasn't thinking "Don't die Fang!" or "Kick butt guys!" or "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG" or "I can't handle it! It's too much!!! AHHHHHH!". No. I was thinking, as the needle went deep into Fang's chest: "Damn, that's got to hurt." I think I have some mental issues to sort out. Or at least some soul searching to do.

So that was A LOT. I think I'm going to end it there until Monday. It's 8:21, and I STILL haven't done my homework. I know, I'm such a procrastinator. So I should probs get on top of that. Two sleepovers and a late night after Peter Pan means I really should be going to bed early tonight. ahaha.

Read on, Write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Itex never find you, Nightmare spare your soul, and Ford Prefect never get a hold of your credit cards.
Amanda Out.

April 19, 2010

Who cares how it works, I'm just happy that it does

It's been too long. End of story. I really need to stick to my goals.

It shows too. I only did half my math homework tonight. But that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about Physics. I swear I'm going to have a 70 or less at mid-term. That will be the lowest mark I've ever gotten in my entire life. And this is the year that counts.

I think I've wound down why I'm doing so terribly in the course. One, my teacher is terribly confusing. That aside, two, I never have any chance to practice. Other than maybe 3 word problems occasionally, everything is done in class. No homework outside of labs and assignments (which count on your mark!).

Now most students would shout and jump for joy at this, but it's seriously hurting my mark. I never have much of a chance to do any of the problems myself, find out where I'm having issues, so how can he expect me to understand? The only reason I did end up understanding the last test (even though I didn't get it done) was because I sat down the night before the test and did like a bazillions of my parents' worksheets from their classes.

I don't think I should ever have to resort to that. It's annoying. And it makes me feel like I'm cheating.

If it wasn't for my parents though, I don't think I'd be in Physics at all right now. I've learned enough about myself to know that I could care less about how something works, I just like to appreciate that it does. I'm more of an Art-type, rather than a number-type, although I do enjoy the occasional algebra equation from time to time. Algebra is soothing.

Factoring however is hell. Whatever idiot came up with that is both and jerk and a genius. I have to give him credit because if he didn't discover it, we wouldn't have discovered the formula to avoid it all together (thank you Quadratic Formula man). But at the same time, if it wasn't discovered, my math teachers wouldn't force me into trying desperately to learn it every year since I find algebra to be a piece of cake. The equation exists so that I DON'T have to factor, you infidels.

It annoys me greatly.

Here are some quotes to finish with.

"Life is 80% shit, 15% happiness, and 5% moments that are so simply beautiful we keep living through the worst of times in hope of another moment of euphoria."

"God is like an imaginary friend. He's whatever you need most in your life, your subconscious crying out for help. And right now, I just want someone to hold my hand."

"Now is the time to find the true reality, because, frankly, this one sucks."

Night all!
Read on, write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Itex never find you, Nightmare spare your soul, and Ford Prefect never get a hold of your credit cards.
Amanda Out.

April 14, 2010

Polyvore, Contest, and Birthdays!

Ahhhh OMG I haven't updated this in two days!!! I'm so behind!!!

Ok, so I'm not panicking that much, but anyways, I should be updating regardless.

So. HI! :)

Hmmm... let's see... what shall I talk about....

OH! There this really awesome contest thing (and Jennifer darling, if you're reading this, pay attention) being run by Girl Guides that involves writing a 600 words maximum story about your Hero (or heroine) and how that has effected you through Guiding. But the awesome part about it is that if you are selected, you get published in the book. Isn't that amazing?

Problem is I have like less than a day to submit it, so I have to have it written like TONIGHT at the latest. The pressure's on now. And I still haven't decided who my hero is. But I have decided my moment I want to write about. It involves the sentence, "So what do you have to say? The floor is yours."

The other thing that's coming up is my Birthday, and the birthdays of all the wonderful friends around me. :) Woot Korky, Kelsey, and Amy! *hugs* TARDIS, or an apple pie...

Ideas are appreciated on the matter.

OH! You should also check out some of the cool stuffs I made on Polyvore. I'll link a couple here... here:
Fiction is Reality

So there you go. Aren't they neat?

Polyvore is amazing. It's like cheapskate Photoshop with bad quality. For days when I'm too lazy to find my own pictures and actually open Photoshop. XD

So off to write my hero story...
Read on, write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Itex never find you, Nightmare spare your soul, and Ford Prefect never get a hold of your credit cards.
Amanda Out.

April 8, 2010

Amanda's Guide to High School Courses

Hey all.

So today, after blowing up my physics teacher to shreds in my head like my teacher is made of ballistics gel, there's a bomb in him, and it's on Mythbusters, I started coming up with definitions to define all my classes. And thus, we have the theme of today's post, Amanda's Guide to High School Courses: What the course description should be. Sadly, that title is too long to fit in the little title window above where I'm writing this.

Anyway, let us begin. (just because it's classier)

Category 1: English (Mandatory)

English: a course in which you read novels from a really long time ago that effectively use the English language in a way no one uses anymore and that try to teach you morals, but you can't pick them up because the course effectively forces you to analyse the shit out of them until you're left with a broken and bleeding novel that has run off into the corner to slit its wrists because it no longer sees its purpose in life.

Media English: a course in which you watch a lot of movies, watch at a lot of Youtube videos, and watch/look at a lot of suggestive images in order to properly analyse the media without becoming influenced, which is achieved through assimilation and even-heavier-than-average exposure.

Writer's Craft: a course in which people who enjoy the creative side of writing (usually the people who do, in fact, have talent and shouldn't really be taking this course) practice writing in a variety of creative styles and submit their work to their one teacher who effectively circles all the things s/he doesn't like about the piece in bright red marker like it's an essay from a niner who only knows how to write like they're texting. At least the students learn resilience to harsh criticism.

Category 2: Science (somewhat mandatory)

General Sciences: a course in which the teacher attempts to cram as much of the three sciences as they can into one course in the hope that something will get through and be remembered by the time the student reaches the senior grade by giving endless projects and spending a lot of time on textbook questions and worksheets.

Biology: the most overtaken course in secondary education, in which one learns the internal and external structures of everything around them that is living. Which is just about everything.

Chemistry: a course in which one extends their knowledge of the Periodic Table, by occasionally accidentally mixing the wrong chemicals, lighting stuff on fire, freezing stuff in liquid nitrogen (if you have a cool teacher), highlighting the hell out of their periodic table until it looks like a unicorn licked it, and understanding how all this stuff applies to the little tiny bits that make up every last bit of everything.

Physics: a course in which one discovers that anything they have ever perceived about their physical universe is wrong, which makes you wonder what kind of people decided this was true, what kind of drugs were around when they decided this, and how stupid the general population of human beings actually is to believe them.

Category 3: The Social Sciences (questionably mandatory)

Geography: a course which recaps everything about maps and countries and rivers and such that you learned in elementary school just to make sure you got it all. And still some people can't name three countries beginning with the letter S.

Canadian History: a course in which you study the first and second World Wars, as well as the Cold War from the perspective of every country other than Canada, which doesn't become a country until the end of the course, but you still don't really study it much.

World History 1.0: a course in which you study the basic history of Mankind from evolution to the Medieval Times, by studying Ancient Civilizations of awesomeness.

World History 2.0: a course in which you study the next chunk of the history of Mankind through things such as the French Revolution, because the world is just that awesome that you can't explain it in one course. :)

American History: a course in which you study the history of our rebellious friends down south in much the same manner as World History.

Civics/Careers: a course that is so pointless it that you can actually fit the entire curriculum into 2 days.

Law: a course in which you learn the law of the Canadian government system so that you can eventually stab it in the back and become a lawyer, or learn to effectively lie that you're going to change it and become a politician.

Category 4: Phys-Ed (arguably mandatory)

Gym: a course in which you run around and play sports and get a bad mark if you're not good at them. Oh! And sleep through Health Class.

Goodlife: a course in which those of us who like to avoid running do weight training. And sleep through Health Class.

Exercise Science: a course that teaches you the science behind exercise and how the body reacts to it all. For those of us who'd rather avoid physical exercise all together.

Category 5: The Arts (should be mandatory)

Music: an awesome course in which you spend an hour and a half everyday jamming and learning how to play almost any instrument of your choice.

Visual Art: an awesome course in which you spend an hour and a half everyday creating and learning how to draw almost anything imaginable.

Media Arts: an awesome course in which you spend an hour and a half everyday surfing the web, learning how to use Photoshop and Flash, and learning how to make almost anything on the computer.

Dramatic Arts: an awesome course in which you spend an hour and a half everyday goofing off, learning how to act, and practicing almost anything dramatic.

Dance: an awesome course in which you spend an hour and a half everyday learning how to dance a little bit of everything.

Vocal Music: an awesome course in which you spend an hour and a half everyday learning how to sing, and singing anything you want to.

Photography: an awesome course which is almost equivalent to a spare that counts as a credit and you get to bring your camera to it.

Category 6: Tech (never mandatory)

Woodshop: If you're a girl, a course in which you get to build stuff in a class filled with rather man-ly guys. If you're a guy, a course where you get to build some cool stuff which your hands and hang out with the guys... and the occasional thinks-independently girl.

Communications: the course that thinks it's television.

Yearbook: the course that makes the yearbook. Or... attempts to.

Robotics: a course that teaches you to build a robot. That's about it.

Category 7: Mathematics

Math: the course that almost everyone hates and decides that it's going to teach English in binary code, rather than words. In case you didn't know, Physics adopted it's methods of proving things from this.

Category 8: Religion (for those of us who are special)

Religion: a course that tries to assimilate the Catholic Religion into your brain and teaches a lot of self-discovery, which you just blow off and joke around with your friends. Unless you have the Witch. And you know who I'm talking about.

Philosophy: a course that bends your mind to the end of the diving board and forces you to think oddly. If you can watch the Matrix and read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the same day and understand both, I recommend this course.


And that's about it. Am I missing anything? I'll try and add it in if I am. This should be a very accurate document. :)

Oh... and the last thing... I think I'm getting too worked up over Max Ride 6: Fang, 'cause every time I look at the back and see "Mr. Tall, Dark, and Winged" in big letters, I can't help but smile. :)

That's all for today folks!
Read on, Write on ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Nightmare spare you.
Amanda Out.

April 7, 2010

I *heart* Band.


Just had to say that and point that very obviously out to you.

So our "concert" thing-y tonight for Jazz Band went swimmingly well, and there was a hint of sarcasm in there. From the perspective of the performer, I played like shit. From the perspective of the audience though, apparently we were pretty good. And that was coming from people other than my mother.

Now I'm not sure if you're aware how small the SMHS Jazz band (or rather, ensemble) is, but we had all of 5 people on the stage, not counting the conductor. We're intense. But we have fun. :)

So I'm currently still riding band high, (blowing hot air into a tubular piece of metal will do that to you) but I feel like I'm gonna crash soon.

So night all!
Read on, Write on ladies and Gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Nightmare spare you.
Amanda Out.

April 6, 2010

Gosh I love Maps

Hey all.

As you can see from the date stamp at the bottom of this post, I'm midnight posting again. I know I shouldn't be doing it, but I promised myself I would keep up with this posting thing.

What was I going to mention today... Oh good heavens I can't remember... It's too late...

OH! I remember! So I was reading this site the other day (I don't remember what it's called), and it said that one of the things that will both help your writing, and something you will enjoy as a writer is drawing maps of your world and environment in your story. So today I yanked out some graph paper and decided to give it a go. And what do you know, it was so much fun. AND I got so many ideas for my story, just by trying to outline the world.

Now, the first map I drew looks really crappy, it was a map of the beach from Eli's memories, and it's horribly cheesy. But next I started to draw the south end of the Dream World I haven't really written much about yet, and it's looking pretty cool. Now I'm no artist (hey, I write, *shrugs*), but I'm pretty proud of it. I'm real excited to post it on the DC blog and show you all. But first I have to finish all the maps of the Dream World of course.

This will also be your opportunity to shoot down any stupid names I use before I use them, because I'm aware I use them a lot. I mean "Dream World"? I can be more creative than that, no? I'm not changing that one though. But if you would like, I can get into a debate with you over the sheer basicness of the human mind. But that is for another day.

That's all for now sunshines. :)
Read on, write on.
Sweet Dreams! May Nightmare spare you.
Amanda Out.

April 5, 2010

Happy Belated Easter!

So... what's new here...

Well, so much for posting every day. How about every weekday? That sounds good to me. :)

Anyways, how was your easter everyone? Happy belated Easter! Easter's always a wonderful time for me because I get to see all my wonderful cousins that I never see, the only cousins that I have. A lot of people talk about seeing their cousins all the time, they fight like siblings or are freakishly close. But I never get to see mine, so we're not like that. It's actually kinda awkward sometimes.

For one, I only have cousins on one side of the family, my aunt on the other side has no kids. So I'm extra attached to the ones I have. I'm the second oldest when it comes to people relatively close to my own age. So it's nice when there's someone older than me around, you know what I mean? Well, if you're not the oldest child, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. It sort of means that you get to be right hand man for once rather than bossy dictator. Mind, my older cousin deals with things a lot better than me.

So Easter is wonderful because I get to actually see my family. That's why we celebrate it. It's an excuse to get together. But as my one cousin pointed out, why do we say Happy Easter? There's nothing happy about it for people who see each other all the time. And if you're going to take a religious view on things... Jesus died. How is that happy exactly?

That brings me to something else I did this weekend, I watched a really low budget 60s version of Jesus Christ Superstar on TV with my dad. It was rather comical really. You can't take the bible seriously when it's performed in 60s costumes. Plus my dad said he first saw this particular version when he was my age. Which makes it creepy and awkward.

Hmmm... what else is new? I went to go see How to Train your Dragon in 3D, which was more amusing than I thought it would be. Mind, what I had to choose between was that or Clash of the Titans, and as much as I wanted to side with my Dad and go watch awesome Greek deities tear each other to shreds, it had a really crappy rating on the Internet, so I sided with my Mother and sis this time. My dad wasn't too happy.

I got a kick out of the line where the one chick punches the main character for scaring her and then he goes: "What is this? Is it always going to be like this?" Then the chick kisses him and he goes: "'Cause I could get used to that." :) Plus the characters were Vikings, which was almost as good as Greek deities.

Also, for once this year, our parents took us shopping instead of buying us stuff for Easter. So I ended up on the ride home with a new duffel bag (which I needed), a new Owl City CD, a copy of Lord Sunday, and a copy of the sixth Maximum Ride novel: FANG. Which I'm extremely thrilled about. And most of you who actually read this will be sharing this excitement I think, because it means there's a copy you can borrow if you haven't read it already. ;)

Which reminds me, I've taken a recent particular interest in Owl City. This guy writes incredible music, it actually has a decent melody, and he can actually sing. Plus the lyrics are so random, but make perfect sense. If this guy was like remotely close to my age and wrote these songs for me, I'd be madly in love. But sadly they are not for me, and he is not remotely close to my age.

But they've also inspired a lot of the next bit of Dream Catcher. In fact, so much so, that if I do ever get published with it, I will have to give him serious acknowledgement at the end of the book.

Which also reminds me, I need to churn out a Dream Catcher chapter before I start FANG, otherwise I may entirely forget where I was going with the plot from being so totally engrossed in the awesomeness that is James Patterson literature.

So, with that in conclusion, I'm off to finish my stupid homework so I can get that chapter out tonight and finish Earth: Mostly Harmless.

Happy Easter!
Read on, write on ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Nightmare spare you!
Amanda Out.