April 25, 2010

This is me, This is Life.

Hey all!

Long time no talk, I know. But life's been crazy. I want to share some of that with you.

First off, awesome party Kels. You know how to throw 'em. I hope you had a good time of course. Also happy belated birthday to Amy. :) And there's one thing I want you both to remember, (something everyone should remember on their birthday) it's your beauty that makes the world turn. You're beautiful sunshines! :) It's why you're my sunshine! ahaha.

Second, I threw my party this weekend too, and let me tell you, it was incredibly lame compared to Kelsey's. But I hope everyone had fun. :) I had a good time. Thank you Kelsey for the present I will receive later because it will keep me on my toes in anticipation. Thank you Sonya for the $20 bucks, it will give me an excuse to go shopping (even if it might be for books). Thank you Korky for the amazing Wishing Well, the handmade card and the Candy (half of which I've already eaten), it will help me remember that everyday is worth living. Thank you Ania for the awesome little card, the candy (which I will eat after I finish Korky's), the foamy stuff of awesomeness, Steve the helium balloon, and the Birthday Girl ribbon, because it will give me something to wear proudly on my actual birthday. Thank you Jennifer for The Reckoning, and the little book of friendship quotes, it will give me an excuse to read The Awakening now, and remind me all the time of the wonderful people in my life. And thank you Kim, for finding a way to come in her busy schedule, and not ripping my head off for going to see Peter Pan, because I value every minute I get to spend with you. :)

Now that I've done my Merci Buckets, I can go into the next thing I did this weekend, which was going to Stratford to see Peter Pan at the Avon. And I'm sorry Kim. You can have Robin Hood if I can have Peter Pan. I forgot how amazing the kid is. And, as I do when I go to see any play, I learn something about myself. And this play just completely re-enforced the fact that I never want to grow up. And who says I have to? Reality can be Neverland is you look at it right. My enemies (I have enemies?) can be Pirates, my crazy friends can be my Lost Boys, and everyone else can be Amazons! Of course, in my twisted way of always relating most to the guy, I really most want to be Peter Pan, screw Wendy. She's WAY too formal, and as much as she's still caught in the trap of childhood, she's already stepped too far into Adulthood to become a child again.

Gosh I related to Peter far too much. Always wanting to be a child, loving everyone who comes his way (even Hook), feeling like the world doesn't understand you, doesn't want you, yet still adolescently falling in love and not understanding, seeing the person you "love" as your "mother," someone who understands you. Hell, I'm not the re-incarnation of Maid Marion (for those of you who read/heard of the Facebook conversation), I'm a living breathing Peter Pan, and I'm living in my own personal Neverland.

Which lead me to do a LOT of thinking about myself, an activity that I sometimes partake in on the weekend, and I had to sit down and wrap my world around something concrete, which this weekend happened to be a red apple. But all that thinking is left for another day to be explained 'cause this post is already getting quite long.

So the last thing I did this weekend up until now was I just finished James Patterson's FANG. And I have quite a lot to say. If you haven't read it yet, that's alright, I threw it into a Spoiler Box so you can just skip over it without accidentally catching anything climax-y. So here's what I have to say.

Damn you James Patterson. Damn you to hell. (The spoiler box. Highlight the text to read. Skip over otherwise) Spoiler: Ok, I have to give the guy some credit, I've never loved Mr. Tall, Dark, and Winged more. But really? You don't make Fang run away, kill him, bring him back to life, then have him run off again. That's just incredibly stupid! How are you going to continue the series now, Mr. Patterson? You're going to have to pick; Max's life or Fang's life. And don't go skip twenty years, that's even stupider (no matter how many of us wish you would). If you pick Max's life, it's going to be horribly depressing. Max CANNOT function without Fang. You WROTE her that way. And Max is great and all, but frankly, I read for Fang. And with him out of the question, it's just not worth it. Iggy isn't even as funny as he once was! And don't even think about setting Max up with Dylan. He's a nice guy and all (and I seriously did not see suicide coming from him) but no matter how GM-ed the guy is, he can never be a more perfect match for Max than Fang. And Fax-ness is almost too perfect as it is.

If you go from Fang's perspective, you've officially butchered the entire plot you've built up so far about saving the world. We both know that's not Fang's job (although I did sit down one day and found a way that you could have had him save the world, before you sent him off of course). OH! and doing a bit of both, jumping between the two stories? I effing hate that. I read a whole series like that once and was fed up with the story until they came together again. I couldn't stand Saving the World and other Extreme Sports for exactly that reason.

And what was with Total and Akila's wedding at the end? I can see their relationship as a subplot echo of Max and Fang's like an underlying foreshadow, or a warning. But the wedding was completely random. And I can handle some random stuff. I live for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! But you lead us to believe it was a happy ending we weren't expecting, only to completely crash our hopes and make us even more confused. I can tolerate you making Fang leave, and almost killing him (so long as he does come back to life). But if Fang stays away 20 years I am seriously going to kill you. And I'm going to get the white coats to help.

Now that I'm done my rant to JP, there were a few things I wanted to share with you that have to be contained within the Spoiler.

1. Ok Fang's second letter to Max? I seriously cried. And those of you who know me, I'd sooner throw the book at the wall than cry. Much sooner. I didn't even cry when Dustfinger died in Inkspell. Or when Murtagh became evil in Eldest. But that letter was so beautiful, I couldn't help myself. JP can write, dammit. His plot needs work though. Serious work. (and you're all probs going to shoot me now because it seems like I killed Trevor in DC for no reason)

2. Ok, that scene where Max comes running and Fang's more or less dead, and they're all fighting? Ok. Max I can see getting there in under 5 minutes, super sonic. But didn't the rest of the flock get there A LOT faster than they should have?

Also in that scene, and I think this is a testament to my insanity, when all chaos has broken loose and Max is desperately trying to save Fang and stabs him with a hypo to the heart? Yeah, I wasn't thinking "Don't die Fang!" or "Kick butt guys!" or "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG" or "I can't handle it! It's too much!!! AHHHHHH!". No. I was thinking, as the needle went deep into Fang's chest: "Damn, that's got to hurt." I think I have some mental issues to sort out. Or at least some soul searching to do.

So that was A LOT. I think I'm going to end it there until Monday. It's 8:21, and I STILL haven't done my homework. I know, I'm such a procrastinator. So I should probs get on top of that. Two sleepovers and a late night after Peter Pan means I really should be going to bed early tonight. ahaha.

Read on, Write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Itex never find you, Nightmare spare your soul, and Ford Prefect never get a hold of your credit cards.
Amanda Out.

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