April 19, 2010

Who cares how it works, I'm just happy that it does

It's been too long. End of story. I really need to stick to my goals.

It shows too. I only did half my math homework tonight. But that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about Physics. I swear I'm going to have a 70 or less at mid-term. That will be the lowest mark I've ever gotten in my entire life. And this is the year that counts.

I think I've wound down why I'm doing so terribly in the course. One, my teacher is terribly confusing. That aside, two, I never have any chance to practice. Other than maybe 3 word problems occasionally, everything is done in class. No homework outside of labs and assignments (which count on your mark!).

Now most students would shout and jump for joy at this, but it's seriously hurting my mark. I never have much of a chance to do any of the problems myself, find out where I'm having issues, so how can he expect me to understand? The only reason I did end up understanding the last test (even though I didn't get it done) was because I sat down the night before the test and did like a bazillions of my parents' worksheets from their classes.

I don't think I should ever have to resort to that. It's annoying. And it makes me feel like I'm cheating.

If it wasn't for my parents though, I don't think I'd be in Physics at all right now. I've learned enough about myself to know that I could care less about how something works, I just like to appreciate that it does. I'm more of an Art-type, rather than a number-type, although I do enjoy the occasional algebra equation from time to time. Algebra is soothing.

Factoring however is hell. Whatever idiot came up with that is both and jerk and a genius. I have to give him credit because if he didn't discover it, we wouldn't have discovered the formula to avoid it all together (thank you Quadratic Formula man). But at the same time, if it wasn't discovered, my math teachers wouldn't force me into trying desperately to learn it every year since I find algebra to be a piece of cake. The equation exists so that I DON'T have to factor, you infidels.

It annoys me greatly.

Here are some quotes to finish with.

"Life is 80% shit, 15% happiness, and 5% moments that are so simply beautiful we keep living through the worst of times in hope of another moment of euphoria."

"God is like an imaginary friend. He's whatever you need most in your life, your subconscious crying out for help. And right now, I just want someone to hold my hand."

"Now is the time to find the true reality, because, frankly, this one sucks."

Night all!
Read on, write on, ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Itex never find you, Nightmare spare your soul, and Ford Prefect never get a hold of your credit cards.
Amanda Out.

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