September 23, 2010


So Korky's fretting out about a math question right now... Like to the point she should be rocking back and forth in a corner.

Apparently she thinks she copied down this question wrong, and she has no idea how to do it. I'd help her, but I know nothing about math, especially grade 12 math. Ick. I have to take it next semester at the end of the day. It's gonna be terrible.

Anyways, we can't decide who she should ask for help. There's a nerdy smart kid of awesome sitting at the table over yonder named Jared, and though he's one of our kin(meaning the nerd family), we don't know him very well. And Korky doesn't have the guts to walk over to him and randomly ask him a question. Though, now that I think of it, I would find that weird too. So he's out.

We asked Jess, who is SUPER nerdy, and at least took the class a year or so ago... but I dunno how much help she'll be. She has a cold. Personally, I think she should ask Ola, but she won't see her until next period...

Oh, hold on I think she got it... YAYS!!! Oh wait... never mind, wrong question.

So yeah. That's our little adventure for today. As you can see, not much is happening. Although I did bring my Collected Works of my Good Friend William Shakespeare to school today for Writer's Craft. It's sitting right here next to me. It is godly, gold leafed pages and all. *sighs*

Don't you hate it when the most amazingly super awesome guys(slash girls) are either dead or ficitonal? I mean, I would date Shakespeare, that's how awesome he is. And everyone else is fictional. I mean, did you read the Mortal Instruments series? (Cassandra Clare is a Goddess) Jace=God. I'm dead serious. He's real I tell you.

And then all of us floating this sorry boat end up drowning our lives away in writing our own literature in an failing attempt to create an actually decent guy. I don't think it's possible, you can't possibly meet a decent guy in your whole life. You have to put up with an almost descent one someday. Well, unless he's gay, but then you know, things aren't going to work out.

Korky's freaking out next to me. She're cursing math. I won't quote directly, but basically "I HATE MATH."

I think it's a statement even geniuses have said at least once in their life. What idiot decided we could use numbers to describe the world again? I think we're learning about him in philosophy today... the Pythgorians? Something like that. OOO! That reminds me of pie. Now I want some.

That's all for today. Chillax. We'll make it through.
Amanda Out.

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