March 23, 2010

Some things I saw in the news

Not to diminish the awesomeness that is 60 Things that Happened in Italia, but I vowed to myself I would make a post everyday after Italy, and dammit all, I'm going to stick to it. This clearly hasn't happened before the trip, but I will not break my promise. Or you can all beat me for it.

Anyways, let me begin.

First off, I would like to comment on how bland life is now that I'm locked up in the institution again, and back in my own country. I'm mean, Canada is amazing and all, but it means I have to be in school. And that's not a place I like to be. I need to have more freedom than 7 hours a day allows me to have. Plus the sidewalk is made of concrete, and not made of marble. I severely miss Italy. And being out of school.

The other thing I wanted to share with you all is that I finally finished the Dream Catcher blog to an unveil-able level. All the chapters and everything are posted, except for chapter 13, which I still have to make a polyvore picture for...

Anyways, here's the site:

Check it out if you follow my story. It's where I'll try to post all the updates on that... I'll add that link to the list on the side when I get the chance.

Now, all this is incredibly selfish, so I should probably talk about something now that impacts you all... hmmm...

Well the only thing that comes to mind is that "free" health care thing that Obama is pushing. I have given this an obscure amount of thought, though don't trust my facts. Now, the selfish part of me is telling me that this is a horrible idea. Americans with free health care? I surmount that this feeling is generated by the fact that I won't be able to say "Were you just dissing Canada? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over my health care benifits." anymore if they get "free" health care, a line that makes me feel extremely patriotic in an odd sort of way.

Now the political side of me sees this as an amazing idea, because it means that all the doctors who fled to the states to make more money (like they don't make enough here already) will come back since their boats will float the same there and Canada is just that more awesomely better. Plus we will apologise to the doctor for sneezing on them. :) Being a klutz with a family doctor that mysteriously went missing is not a good thing, but this means she may randomly re-appear out of no where.

What else did I see in the news? Oh this contriversy over this super-Catholic (meaning she takes faith too far) lady who dissed this Muslim girl who was apparently making fun of her... what the heck is this? Don't we have something better to cover? Like children dying in Africa or soldiers in Iraq or something like that?

I really hate super-Catholic people, and I am Cathloic. Some people take the bible too literally, forgetting to look at it as both a historical and religious text. Not all the things in that book match today people. Take an idealistic view.

Then there's the people who get so caught up in the fact that there are other religions in the world that they want to convert them all, and they forget about the real message of Catholic-ness. Who freaking cares if someone believes something different than you!? You accept them anyways! The church already went all 'Kill the Muslims' in the middle ages, and that didn't end well. Can't people learn from the past?

If you're going to write a book on how amazing Catholic people are, oh super-Catholic lady, you must have done a little research. Clearly, if you missed this obvious failure of the corrupt church, then you haven't done any research at all. You have no right to dis anyone.

Ok now I'm rambling and dissing the super-Catholic lady, so I'll stop.

That's all for now,
Read on, Write on Ladies and Gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams, may Nightmare spare you.
Amanda Out.

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