May 11, 2010

Cruising on to Saturday

So I'm pretty proud of myself at the moment. I got my physics done in two hours. I went to math help (even though I didn't get much help). And I can cruse on through tomorrow into my Thursday and Friday off. (Thank you Science Olympics and UN)

PLUS! I'm starting to understand Optics in Physics. I think if might be my vague understanding of photography lenses is helping me with this. What Wunder did with the concave lens today, projecting that thing on the wall with it, was really kinda cool. I can't wait to get into lenses.

I even finished 1/3 of my Final Project in Photography today. Yes, that's right, that stupid Watercolour tutorial is DONE! Mr. Wilde even printed it before the end of the day too! I can't wait to see it tomorrow. The sad thing is though, I have two Oil Painting tutorials left to do. :(

I also haven't been able to get out and take my shots for Panorama day yet because of the rain. He wants us to go find a pretty field or something somewhere to take our shots, but I want to try a panorama of the grass on the ground in my backyard with my mum's garden in the background for depth. I think that would be kinda cool. And I get to use my new tripod too!

My sad note though is that I think I might have just squeaked by on the second half of my religion test today. I couldn't remember any of the holidays from Judaism. Hey!? What can I say? I'm an assimilated Catholic. What do I know of Judaism that's not the same as my religion?

Ah, but such is life at the moment. And things might be turning up for the better. I feel like radiating happiness at the moment and it's almost midnight. That's not normally the feeling at this point in my day. XD

So tomorrow is the last day I have to pull through this week, but it's a lot of handing things in and movie watching and review. So it should be an alright day.

Then Thursday is Science Olympics. Should be fun, and it usually is, but I'm in two Bio events, and I've never taken biology. I know NOTHING about it. There's LATIN on the practice page she gave us. I have no clue what I'm doing. But I'm also in a physics event too, circuits. So you know what I'll be doing tomorrow night. Endless circuit practice. I used to be pretty good at it in grade 9. Now it's just a matter of remembering.

Friday is a couple things. First is United Nations during the day at King's. Now I've never done this before, and I'm freaking Croatia. So I'll probably have some comments on that when I return on Friday. If I have access to a computer because Friday night, Jenn, me, and our respective female family members are trekking it out to Toronto and spending the night in a hotel for Rally Day the next day. I'm physicked. I'm SO excited.

Rally Day is the nation wide celebration of 100 Years of Guiding in Canada. Now, me and Jenn are volunteering, so we have to work, but I don't mind. A lot of the activities will probably not be targeted at girls our age. I'm doing face painting, which I've done a million times before, so it should be amazing. I'd rather make a difference in the other girls' experience anyways. I'm just happy to celebrate we've been around a hundred years or so, and do some singing. :)

Which reminds me, I should burn a GG song CD for us to sing to on the way up. It is a carload full of Girl Guides. XD

That's all for tonight guys.
Read on, Write on ladies and gentlemen.
Sweet Dreams! May Nightmare spare you and Ford Prefect never get a hold of your credit cards.
Amanda Out.


  1. Hey!
    I am Flat Brownie - check out my blog for some guiding adventures!

    And as Flat Brownie's alter ego who can't be bothered signing in another account, I urge you to read Wheel of Time, if you haven't come across Robert Jordan's epic adventure yet. I think you'd like it, judging from your book montage at the bottom of the page there. What I mean is, I've read almost every book on your list and I love WoT :)
    Also I agree with you about the ending of the Keys to the Kingdom series - totally didn't do it justice, I felt a bit disappointed!

    I'd love to see a post about Rally day and how people in other countries are celebrating the centenary! :)

  2. ahaha that's neat! I will most definately check it out.

    and cool, I shall have to add it to my "to read list". It's neat to meet someone who's read the same things as me, and is in Guiding too!

    Rally day is getting posted next. :) I've just had a bunch of homework lately. XD

