October 20, 2009

Am I getting myself into too much?

Hey all.

So I have no idea if anyone has even checked up on this lately, and if you have, PLEASE comment below... Pretty please? For the love of grilled cheese?

Anyways it doesn't really matter right now because I'm going to post anyways. It beats trying to study for Othello.

SO! This is what I wanted to ask y'all about. NaNoWriMo (click the link, 'tis why I liked it) is coming up in November. Which ironically enough is national writing month. *cough* why they call it NaNoWriMo *cough*

Anyways, I've heard a lot about it, but I've never actually been a part of it. It's my kind of contest too... write crappy writing, just for the sake of writing. That's it. Oh... and you have to write 50, 000 words with an at least extrememly vague plot by the end of November.

*cricket chirps* *some H1N1 inflicted coughing fits*

So what I want to know is... Am I crazy? Have you people seen my schedule? I'm already behind in Chemistry homework, and I'm actually thanking the two days I have off (well sort of) so that I can catch up on two day's homework. And then the two days homework after the two days off. Not to mention feeling like shit and just wanting to sleep for a week I don't have...

It'll be like 3 weeks before I can even think about taking a sick day.

Where in the hell would I find time to sit and write approximately 1667 words each day? The idea is to spend all your time writing, but that's time I don't have. Yet my internal being feels the urge to sign up and do the stupid thing even though... um... I can't.

Oh and so y'all get a picture of how much 1667 words is... my last Dream Catcher chapter was 1516 words. That's 4 pages. And according to Microsoft Word, it took me 4524 minutes to write just chapter 11. That's 75 hours. That's just over 3 12-hour days of writing.

I think I'm crazy just for considering it. Mind I'm starting to wonder where Microsoft got that number from, cause I only remember taking two nights on DC-11... Maybe it's cause I left the file running...

So yes, that's what I'm thinking. I need someone to convince me to do it. Or not to do it. Oh! and I'll be more inclined to sign up and not sleep if someone is willing to sign up and not sleep with me.

But alas, I should be making a marginal attempt to consider that which is Othello by our amazing wordsmithing friend Shakespeare. It really is good stuff, I just find it difficult to believe that Shakespeare actually considered any of these writing conventions when writing the play. Like ethos and logos and pathos... and was he thinking that we would scrutinize his work years later?

No way in hell. And the amount of writing the guy did makes it seem like he was doing a lifelong NaNoWriMo. :)

Well it's either Othello the tradgedy or the DC's very first death scene, which is also tradgic.

I might as well get mum to explain chemistry to me the way this is going. It's got to be more interesting than the student teacher's lectures. I'm glad I'm missing it for two days.

Read on write on ladies and gentlemen.
Amanda Out.


  1. Heyaz Amanda
    Guess who?
    By the way nice blog and love the epicness of it!

  2. haha hi Ania. You're the only one I know who says "Heyaz".

    And haha thanks! :P So... should I do the NaNoWriMo thing?

  3. Amanda, if you want to do it I will do it with you.

    And What is with NaNaWriMo?? weird name


  4. haha WOOT! XD We'll see though... my gut still tells me I won't be able to get the time to write like that by the end of november...

    and haha WOOT thouest shalt do it with me. Should I choose to join.

    And Na(tional) No(vel) Wri(ting) Mo(nth). :)

  5. Oh ya Amanda
    you should totally do the NaNoWrMo thing even if you have to stay up writing all night for a month.. it will be totally worth it
    ps totally agree with you on the level of interest of those chemistry lectures

  6. haha. I think I might try to do it anyways even if I don't officially sign up. :P

    But I'll probably actually do it if I do...

    I'm debating joining the Junior one (which I can join) cuz I don't have to go all the way to 50, 000... I can set it lower like 25, 000 or something like that...

    But I want to be able to do the 50, 000 one!!! ERR!!!

    *internal struggle* But I have to decide soon because if I'm going to officially join, I have to do so by Oct. 30.

  7. So I already told you I'd do it but did I tell you that I asked Amy (Hoff/ curling Amy) and she said she's do it to, xP
    now all i have to do is remember to tell her the link [writes down link xP] I'm excited for it. Any who I'll cya in history tomarrow.
