October 19, 2009

Awesome Quotes

Hey all.

So the other day, whilst I whistled away hours linking random stuff, I came across a really cool quote. Which lead me to learn how to HTML a picture so you could see it.

And there it is!!!! Sha-BAM! I feel cool. I can HTML stuff. Mind that's slightly nerdy too... ah well. XD

So I thought I'd deticate this post to really awesome quotes in picture/icon form cuz it's awesome. :P

So enjoy!

Ok ok ok ok ok I know this isn't a quote, but OMG!!! FANG!!!! Major droolage. Ah! Goregeous.

Except he has really skinny fingers... ok lady who draws this, you can not fight freaking erasers with fingers like pencils...

And what is this? Volume two? Since when?! I must find. The beach scene would be in part two, no? X)

Ahahaha, I saw this a while ago and couldn't resist... it was too good.

Gotta love good old Arty Fowl. :P :)

WOOT HHGTTG... AKA H2GT2G or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

And of course, we have nothing without Doctor Who. XD

That's all for now guys!!! Thanks!


  1. Great Quotes Amanda, I absolutesly love it
    Great picture of Doctor Who

  2. lmao I know really...

    That's from the episode where he gets cloned into a female. :P

    But I prefer the NOT PEARS! caption to Ah!!! Ouch, AH!!! Skin tranfer! ah!

