October 20, 2010

Oh Philosophy, how thouest does melt my brain.


So I really should have taken today off. But I didn't. Because I'm stupid...

I'm feeling like my brain is pudding (which does that physics sound wave thing when I tap it, then proceeds to make my brain hurt because I thought about physics). I'm getting sicker (is that a word?) each day, and I have a philosophy test tomorrow that I really should be studying for. I'm just scared that I'll wake up tomorrow so thoroughly hateful that I won't be able to write my test and focus on it. SO I think I really should have taken today off to sleep and study... I have a PD day to catch up on my work...

But did I? No. I didn't. *headdesk*

I'm supposed to be studying for Philosophy right now on my spare, but I'm totally distracted. I think some of that pudding just melted an important part of my brain... a co-herant part. I'm not too worried though, we have half a period in philosophy to study today.... ugh... that is, if I actually study.

What else. Well not much. The Sparks were wonderful last night and they rekindled my love of Robert Munsch stories, and I got to practice my storytelling skills reading Mud Puddle (sadly I don't own Murmel Murmel Murmel, which is my favourite.) I'm gonna have to go to the library and get some halloween books. Or maybe I'll write one with actions because the Sparks can't sit down that long.

I can feel the sides of my head caving in, and I'm scared it's gonna run out through my nose and ears, so I'm going to go study for Philosophy now (which will completely melt whatever is left). :P

Need sleep... *drones*
Amanda Out.

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